Wylde Flowers - TV Tropes (2024)

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Below is the list of characters that appear in Wylde Flowers. Spoilers are marked.

Tara Wylde

Voiced by: Valerie Rose Lohman

Tara Wylde (she/her), 28, is the protagonist of Wylde Flowers. After losing her job and her fiance in the same week, she decides to move to the island of Fairhaven from the big city, in order to get a fresh start and help her ailing grandmother on the farm. Soon after arriving, though, Tara finds out that she's a witch. Now, Tara must balance her budding witch powers, her new farm duties and more, while fighting a looming threat on the island.

  • Childhood Friends: With Lina, who owns the general store in Fairhaven and is the High Priestess of the Coven.
  • Gay Option: Tara can romance two women, Giva and Amira, as well as a non-binary person, Kim.
  • Missing Mom: Is never mentioned in game, unlike her aunt and father.
  • New Meat: How Tara is treated when she first joins the Coven. She even has to go on a rather lengthy quest creating items for the masked Coven members and find them during the day in town and give them the item she makes.
  • The Protagonist

Hazel Wylde

Voiced by: Cissy Jones

Hazel Wylde (she/her), 82, is Tara's grandmother. Though Tara hadn't seen her in 20 years, Hazel easily welcomed her to her farm and Fairhaven. She helps nurture Tara's growing witch abilities as well as her farming skills. She is also Elder Hazel in the Fairhaven Coven. Hazel later dies at the end of Spring 1 and leaves everything to Tara. She can visit and leave flowers at her grave in the town graveyard after her death.

  • Character Death: Dies at the end of Spring 1 with Tara by her side.
  • Cool Old Lady

The Dahl-Johnson Household

Lina Dahl-Johnson

Voiced by: Gillian Vigman

Lina Dahl-Johnson (she/her), 40, is the owner of the Dahl General Store, which has been in her family for generations. Her husband, Parker Johnson, helps run it. She's the mother of twins, Emmi and Finn Johnson, who constantly play pranks on Fairhaven residents. Lina is also the High Priestess of the Fairhaven Coven, which Tara discovers after a series of quests to uncover the Coven's identity.

  • The Ace
  • Action Mom
  • Keeping Secrets Sucks: What Lina eventually learns in regards to the town and her marriage. She eventually tells Parker that she's a witch, which ruins their relationship for a while and allows the Coven to do magic without their masks on during the final battle with Vanessa. It takes the whole town, Coven and Ravenwood Hollow working together in order to defeat her.
  • The Leader: Of the Fairhaven Coven.

Parker Johnson

Voiced by: Aaron Goodson

Parker Johnson (he/him), 45, owns Nailed It!, a carpentry shop on the outskirts of town. He's married to Lina and is the father of twins, Emmi and Finn. He was a city resident and moved to Fairhaven in order to marry Lina and help her run the general store.

  • Must Have Caffeine: One of his favorite items is coffee, which you can buy from Sophia's diner.

Emmi and Finn Johnson

Voiced by: Alysia Juniel (Emmi), Jakari Fraser (Finn)

Emmi (she/her) and Finn (he/him), 10, are Fairhaven's resident twins and pranksters. They are also witches, having inherited their powers from their mother, Lina.

  • Girlish Pigtails: Emmi has these.

The Miranda Household

Violet Miranda

Voiced by: Tajinae Turner

Violet Miranda (she/her), 24, owns Violet's Violets, next to Town Hall. She is very interested in fashion, but opened her flower shop as it's more profitable on Fairhaven than a boutique. Since her mother Gloria disappeared, she's been taken care of her younger brother, Sebastian, all while trying to determine what happened to her. She's also a witch in the Fairhaven Coven and eventually earns the title of Herbalist due to her extensive knowledge of plants.

  • Determinator: When it comes to finding her mother. It pays off.
  • The Fashionista: Is considered the island's most stylish person followed by Vanessa and she wants to own a boutique one day.
  • Sassy Black Woman

Sebastian Miranda

Voiced by: Joshua Montes

Sebastian Miranda (he/him), 16, is Violet's younger brother. He often dreams of leaving Fairhaven in order to travel the world.

Gloria Miranda

Gloria Miranda (she/her), 51, was once the First Lady of Fairhaven, when her husband, Antonio was mayor. She disappeared four years prior to Tara's arrival and her disappearance is a mystery that her daughter, Violet, is trying desperately to solve. She is eventually found due to Violet's insistence and Tara's incantation powers. Once the main game ends, she becomes the new Mayor of Fairhaven and re-joins Fairhaven's Coven as one of its most powerful witches.

  • Back from the Dead: Is revived from her deep deathlike sleep by Tara after casting an incantation to wake her from the depths of the Gloaming.
  • Graceful Ladies Like Purple: She speaks in a soft voice and wears a purple dress.
  • Missing Mom

The Joshi Household

Giva Joshi

Voiced by: Simran Bal

Giva Joshi (she/her), 24, is Fairhaven's newest meteorologist. She appears in the game after Tara repairs the bridge to the mountain pass. Before arriving in Fairhaven, she was in graduate school to become a meteorologist. Now, thanks to a grant, she's on the island to figure out just why the weather is so quirky, among other things. Post-game, she also becomes Fairhaven's new teacher.

  • Bespectacled Cutie
  • The Teetotaler: Has been sober for quite some time, according to a Winter 1 cutscene.

The Syed Household

Voiced by: Baraka May

Dr. Amira Syed

Dr. Amira Syed (she/her), 38, is Fairhaven's resident doctor. She runs Dr. Syed's General Practice and is the best place to go for any injury. She's of Persian decent and is one of the witches in the Fairhaven Coven, given the title Adept due to her healing magic specialty.

  • The Medic

The Mthembu-Haas/Hoapili Household

Damon Mthembu-Haas

Voiced by: Michael Scott

Damon Mthembu-Haas (he/him), 24, is the owner of Fairhaven's only bar...The Bar. Originally from Johannesburg, South Africa, he took over the bar after his parents Kaya and Arno moved back to South Africa. Damon is roommates with Kai and is also the Journeyman in the Fairhaven Coven.

  • The Bartender: He owns the bar in Fairhaven.

Kai Hoapili

Voiced by: Brent Mukai

Kai Hoapili (he/him), 27, is a former pro surfer turned Fairhaven resident. He owns Kai's Treasures, which specializes in offering exotic goods from all over the world to the people of Fairhaven. He shares a residence with Damon and spends quite a lot of time at his bar.

  • Really Gets Around: According to Natalia.
  • Surfer Dude

The Izumi Household

Kim Izumi

Voiced by: Erika Ishii

Kim Izumi (they/them), 28, runs Kim's Local Butcher and Deli next to the general store in town. Their relationship with their family is strained, but they grew up in a restaurant, where their love of food came to be.

  • Open-Minded Parent: More like "Open-Minded Grandparent" in their case. While their father was not accepting of their gender identity, their oba-sannote was completely supportive of it.

The Conner Household

Cameron Conner

Voiced by: Craig Lee Thomas

Cameron Conner (he/him), 34, is the leader of the Fairhaven chapter of the League of the Conscious Mind. A former Hollywood actor, Conner came to Fairhaven to escape the toxic lifestyle of Los Angeles. He presides over a small but loyal congregation that includes some Fairhaven residents and is called Messenger Cameron by a lot of the town.

  • Alliterative Name: His first and last name start with the letter C.
  • Sweet Tooth: Spends quite a bit of his free time at Angus' bakery.
  • The Teetotaler: Has been sober since joining the League of the Conscious Mind.

The Seton/Calderon Household

Angus Seton

Voiced by: JP Karliak

Angus Seton (he/him), 28, owns Seton's Bakery in town. He's Francis' fiance and ultimately marries him in Fall 1. Seton is a big believer in Cameron's teachings at the Consciousness Center and is not a fan of witches or witchcraft. He's also a big lover of puns and jokes.

Francis Calderon

Voiced by: Alexis De La Rosa

Francis Calderon (he/him), 28, is the town jeweler. He runs the Jewelry Box right next door to his fiance's bakery. He's had a falling out with his family and hopes that Angus can become his new one. Francis is later revealed to be a witch, something he detests at first, but learns to love by the end of the game.

The Soft Household

Vanessa Soft

Voiced by: Zehra Fazal

Vanessa Soft (she/her), 29, is the First Lady of Fairhaven, Fairhaven's school teacher and Mayor Otto Soft's wife. She moved to Fairhaven from Milkwater to help with Otto's campaign and later married him. She's prim, polished and doesn't have of friends in town, but enjoys listening to Cameron's sermons on Sundays. She is also the Rude Raven, a very powerful individual that the Fairhaven Coven, residents of Ravenwood Hollow and the citizens of Fairhaven later work together in order to defeat. After her defeat, she leaves Fairhaven along with her husband.

  • Big Bad: She is a witch attempting to gain access to the Fairhaven Coven.
  • Would Hurt a Child: She puts Juliet in a deep magic induced sleep in order to gain access to the Coven clearing and the Gloaming.

Otto Soft

Voiced by: Jonathan R Freeman

Otto Soft (he/him), 35, is the Mayor of Fairhaven. He's the husband of Vanessa and the son of Bruno Soft. He holds court in Town Hall from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and attends League of the Conscious Mind services on Sundays.

  • I Own This Town: How he runs Fairhaven. He is the Mayor, police force and legal head. Anything he says goes, even if many of the residents disagree. It isn't until one of the last witch trials does anybody actually stop taking him seriously.
  • It's All About Me: And how.
  • Like Father, Unlike Son: His father Bruno owns a bait and tackle shop, lives in a houseboat and is considered the town's drunk. Otto, in contrast, is Mayor of Fairhaven (as well as its legal and law enforcement head, since there is no police force on the island), lives in the Mayor's Mansion with his wife and doesn't drink at all.
  • Sleazy Politician: Does...questionable things throughout the game. For starters, he gets Marty to move to Fairhaven under the guise that he'll be able to buy out properties owned by Thomas and Sophia in order to build a resort on the island.
  • Small-Town Tyrant: Otto treats the town as his own personal playground, which causes ire among the townspeople.
  • The Teetotaler: Doesn't drink, which is in direct contrast to his father, who known as The Alcoholic.

Bruno Soft

Voiced by: William Salyers

Bruno Soft (he/him), 72, is the father of Otto Soft. He's an avid drinker, fisher and owns Soft and Son's Fish & Tackle. His wife, Helena, is deceased. He moved to Fairhaven from Germany when Otto was a baby. While Vanessa and Otto live in the Mayor's Mansion, Bruno lives in a houseboat south of town.

The Demeter Household

Shelby Demeter

Voiced by: Darin De Paul

Shelby Demeter (he/him) is a mysterious old man that lives in the woods of Fairhaven. He has one green eye and one blue eye and speaks quite cryptically. He runs Shelby's Scraps and Sundries, where he buys and sells items found on the beach, forest and mountain. Shelby is also the Farseer in the Fairhaven Coven, with the ability to see the past, present and future.

  • Friend to All Children: The twins are said to like Shelby because of the magic tricks he constantly shows them.
  • Mysterious Past: Only snippets of his past and life are known throughout the game. His age isn't even known!
  • Sole Survivor: Is implied to be this for his family, after a witch scare involving his own loved ones in his younger years.

The Emerson Household

Marty Emerson

Voiced by: Christopher Corey Smith

Marty Emerson (he/him), 32, is the new rancher in town. He moves in after Tara fixes up the ranch located next to Thomas' farm. Though he means well, most people are skeptical of just how much ranching knowledge he has.

  • Butt-Monkey: He pretty much has a zero approval rating from the moment he moves to Fairhaven and once he does, one of his animals gets sick almost immediately, none of the single women around town are interested in him, then he runs for mayor and loses, either very closely or by a wide margin, depending on how you vote in the election and that's just in one season. Sort of Justified given the real reason why he moved to the island, but still.

The Kuznetsova Household

Natalia Kuznetsova

Voiced by: Shelby Young

Natalia Kuznetsova (she/her), 36, is an insurance claims adjustor turned blacksmith. She has a not so subtle crush on Cameron.

The Lightfoot Household

Thomas Lightfoot

Voiced by: Kalani Queypo

Thomas Lightfoot (he/him), 40, is the owner of his farm located right next door to Marty's ranch. He's The Stoic and is fond of Hazel, Lina and later Sophia. His family is from a tribe headquartered outside of Milkwater, but grew up in Fairhaven. Despite this, he is very in touch with his tribal traditions. He also sells specialty seeds at his farm from time to time.

  • Implied Love Interest: For Sophia. They can eventually pursue a relationship together after the main game ends, if you encourage it.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Thomas, who is probably the most skeptical of Tara's arrival, becomes quite nice after Tara's grandmother dies. The two can even become best friends in the game if you pursue it.

The Moretti Household

Sophia Moretti

Voiced by: Amanda Troop

Sophia Moretti (she/her), 36, is the owner of Fairhaven's town diner, Cafe Moretti. She's still mourning the loss of her husband, Giacamo, and trying to raise her daughter, Juliet, as best she can as a widow. She has Jewish roots and is Italian-American.

  • Feminine Women Can Cook: She wears makeup, has red nails and is considered the best cook on the island.
  • Mama Bear: Is not pleased to learn who messed with Juliet towards the end of the game.
  • Implied Love Interest: For Thomas. They can eventually pursue a relationship together after the main game ends, if you encourage it.

Juliet Moretti

Voiced by: Aubrey K Miller

Juliet Moretti (she/her), 13, is the daughter of Sophia. She's quite shy and reserved, but is a gifted musician. She dresses in dark colors, wears black nail polish and has a pink streak in her hair. She later learns that she is also a witch, something inherited from her dad's side of the family.

  • Disappeared Dad: Her father Giacamo is dead before the game begins.
  • Goth
  • Goth Girls Know Magic: Inherited magic powers from her dad's side of the family.

The Residents

Westley Vuk

Voiced by: Ray Chase

Westley Vuk (he/him), 35, owns Arcane Texts in Ravenwood Hollow. He originally introduces himself as a Fairhaven resident, but after an incident in Summer 1, Tara realizes there's more than meets the eye about him. Eventually she learns that he's a werewolf, desperately searching for a cure for his lycanthropy. He was born in Alaska and grew up with his grandparents.

  • Raised by Grandparents
  • Real Men Eat Meat: Most of Westley's favorite foods are all meat based.

Zephyr Grimspark

Voiced by: Julie Nathanson

Zephyr Grimspark (she/her), 40, is a goblin that makes Ravenwood Hollow her home. She runs Magical Mechanicals, which provides powered gems, Whirlygigs and much more.


Voiced by: Zehra Fazal

Peri (she/her) is a fairy that has seen many things throughout her long lifetime. She currently runs Peri's Apothecary, where Tara can buy magical potions, ingredients and more.

  • Really 700 Years Old: Tells Tara that she has known every Wylde that's ever lived if you talk to her enough.


Voiced by: Emilio Garcia Sanchez

Aryel (he/him) is a curupira demon with a fondness for all animals big and small. He runs Pig's Wings and Dragonlings and is very big on protecting the forest.

  • Animal Lover
  • Friend to All Living Things

Giacomo Moretti

Giacomo is Sophia's late husband who died before Tara arrives to Fairhaven. He was also a witch in the Fairhaven Coven and passed his talents down to his daughter, Juliet.

  • The Lost Lenore: For Sophia.

Markus Dahl

Markus Dahl is Lina's father, who currently resides in a nursing home in Milkwater. He helped train Lina to become a powerful witch before a wraith took over him and sent him into a nursing home.

Antonio Miranda

Antonio Miranda was the Mayor of Fairhaven before Otto. Once his wife disappeared, he left the island, trying to find ways to provide for the family he left behind.


Initially believed to be a Fairhaven stray, Cat is a cat that Tara can adopt. Once adopted, he becomes Tara's familiar and can fish and explore places that Tara can't in her human form. Cat's name is eventually revealed to be Cleocatra.

Wylde Flowers - TV Tropes (2024)
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Name: Otha Schamberger

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