Pokémon Unbound Starters (2025)

1. Best Pokémon Unbound Starters - Pro Game Guides

  • 19 jan 2023 · When it comes to the best starter Pokémon in Pokémon Unbound, the choice has to be Gible. Gible eventually evolves into Garchomp, which can be ...

  • Your starter choice dictates your adventure.

2. Route 5 - Pokemon Unbound Wiki - Fandom

  • Unova Starters · You can receive a second starter from her during the day after 8AM after obtaining 4 badges. · You can receive a third starter from her during ...

  • Connects Route 4 and Crater Town. The Day Care lies on this route. Given by a lady in the house northwest of Youngster Calvin. Includes Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawott You can receive a second starter from her during the day after 8AM after obtaining 4 badges. You can receive a third starter from her during the day after 8AM after obtaining 7 badges. Note: Foe's Pokémon may evolve depending on difficulty setting and team levels. Trainer Tips signs "Keep an eye out for trees with a shady area between

3. Pokemon Unbound starters | Discover - Kwai

4. pokémon unbound starters & pokemon unbound starter - Kwai

  • 2M posts Discover videos related TO pokémon unbound starters.

  • THE BEST STARTER POKEMON EVER! Pokemon Unbound Hardcore Nuzlocke. Which starter would you choose? Watch this live on TWITCH.TV/aDrive. Highlights on YOUTUBE.COM/aDrive. THE BEST STARTER POKEMON EVER! Pokemon Unbound Hardcore Nuzlocke

5. Seaport City - Pokemon Unbound Wiki - Fandom

  • They include Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio. You can receive a second starter from her after obtaining 7 badges. Pokémon, Note. Mimikyu ...

  • The city connected to Route 17. A Sailor in the north pier will transport you to Polder Town. Given by Parasol Lady in the house far east of the PokéCenter. They include Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio. You can receive a second starter from her after obtaining 7 badges. If you've completed the first part of this mission (first assigned in Thundercap Mountain), you will be able to find the Electivire and scientist in the basement of the warehouse on the southern pier. You will battle the Electivire t

6. Pick My Pokes! - Pokemon Unbound - The PokéCommunity Forums

  • 26 jul 2023 · In a style similar to nuzlockes I will only be picking up 1 pokemon per route/area and it will be you good people who decide which pokemon I get!

  • Hey there! I'm new here so lets get it. I'm going to be playing the fan game pokemon unbound for some of you fine folks, but with a twist. In a style similar to nuzlockes I will only be picking up 1 pokemon per route/area and it will be you good people who decide which pokemon I get...

7. FireRed hack: - Pokémon Unbound [COMPLETED] - PokeCommunity

  • FireRed hack: Pokémon Unbound [COMPLETED]. Thread starter Skeli; Start date Nov 5, 2016. Tags: complete ...

  • Skeli Games PresentsI give full permission for the contents of this thread to be hosted on external sites! IntroductionHello Pokécommunity, my name is Skeli and this is my one and only ROM Hack. I began ROM Hacking seriously in 2016, and since then I've written various ASM routines...

8. Pokémon Unbound » YMMV - TV Tropes

  • Pokémon Unbound ». YMMV · None of the starters are in the Borrius regional Dex. · The fully-evolved starters in this game are Tyranitar, Garchomp, and Metagross, ...

  • Annoying Video Game Helper: God help you if you're in a Double Battle where you team up with an ally, particularly Jax, because on Expert and Insane, you are always going to be at a detriment. Jax leads with a Staraptor, whose Intimidate is …

9. Pokémon Unbound Nuzlocke Guide

  • 23 Dragon Pokémon encounters · Kingdra - Ruins of Void and Gurun Town · Dragonair - Crystal Peak · Vibrava - Great Desert · Gible - Starter · Axew - Dehara City ...

  • This guide shows you all 467 Pokémon available across 61 route encounters in Pokémon Unbound , as well as detailed information on all 31 boss battles!

Pokémon Unbound Starters (2025)


Can you get the other starters in Pokemon Unbound? ›

Unova Starters

You can receive a second starter from her during the day after 8AM after obtaining 4 badges. You can receive a third starter from her during the day after 8AM after obtaining 7 badges.

What is the best starter for insane unbound? ›

Most people prefer to go with Gible as their choice of starter due to Larvitar's and Beldum's respective high number of weaknesses and poor offensive ability until evolution.

How long to beat Pokemon unbound? ›

52½ Hours
Main Story2459h 39m
Main + Extras8134h 13m
Completionist2492h 39m
All PlayStyles34276h 28m

How to get Sinnoh starters in Pokemon Unbound? ›

Sinnoh Starters

Given by a lady in the house towards the northeast. They include Turtwig, Chimchar and Piplup. You can receive a second starter from her after obtaining 6 badges.

How do you get alola starters in Pokemon unbound? ›

Alolan Starters

Given by Parasol Lady in the house far east of the PokéCenter. They include Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio. You can receive a second starter from her after obtaining 7 badges.

Is Hoopa better unbound? ›

Hoopa Unbound possesses an absolutely massive 311 base Attack stat, surpassing even that of Mewtwo. However, its performance in raids is merely good instead of top tier. As a Psychic-type attacker, it trails slightly behind Mewtwo in DPS, as it doesn't have access to Mewtwo's devastating Psystrike.

What is the best team to beat Pokemon unbound? ›

So on that note, I believe the best team of six for Pokemon Unbound is:
  • Garchomp. I picked Metagross at first, but in the end Garchomp made the cut due to the fact that my later picks on this list means you have no switch-in to Electric attacks without it. ...
  • Staraptor. ...
  • Arcanine/Infernape. ...
  • Samurott. ...
  • Gengar. ...
  • Comfey.
Jan 11, 2023

What do you get for saving 100 times in Pokemon unbound? ›

"Practice saving lives by saving the game at least 100 times." Manually save your game 100+ times. Given by the young man in the house in the eastern most island. The young man will reward you with a bottle cap upon completion.

What is the shortest Pokemon game? ›

Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! Most streamers have reported that they took around 14 - 16 h to beat Sword and Shield, which is around 10 hours shorter then the previously shortest game in the series.

Which is the longest Pokemon game? ›

The longest Pokémon game to date is the 2006 release, Diamond and Pearl for the Nintendo DS. It clocks in at 40.5 hours, with 93 hours required to beat the main game plus extras and 260 hours to complete.

How rare is Pokerus in Pokémon unbound? ›

Pokérus has a 3 in 65,536 (or approximately a 1 in 21,845) chance of being generated on one of the player's Pokémon after a battle, making it rarer than encountering or hatching a Shiny Pokémon.

How to get mega evolution Pokémon unbound? ›

A Pokémon can Mega Evolve if its owner is in possession of the corresponding Mega Stone and the Pokémon is at maximum happiness. Depending on the Pokémon, Mega Evolution is then triggered by the consumption of a specific Evolution Item, by the presence of a particular kind of Weather, or if it is day or night.

How do you evolve riolu in Pokémon unbound? ›

Get Riolu's Friendship (or, Happiness) level up to 220 or higher. This will level up Riolu into Lucario. Raise Friendship/Happiness by having Riolu hold a soothe bell, walking steps, getting a massage, or taking vitamins and EV berries.

How do you catch other trainer Pokémon in Pokémon unbound? ›

Use the following codes to catch an enemy trainer's Pokémon. Then press L + R before throwing the Poke Ball: 4D83B1BF E0F5F507. 8E883EFF 92E9660D.

Can you catch other starter Pokemon? ›

You won't be able to catch the starters in the wild right off the bat. You'll need to at least make it to the BB League club room in The Indigo Disk's story before you can. Once you do, Drayton will talk to you about using the computer to donate BP to other clubs.

How do you unlock new game in Pokémon unbound? ›

In order to unlock New Game +, you must first enter the Hall of Fame. After the credits roll and you return to your house, you'll receive a final storyline mission. Upon completing this mission, New Game + will be available as an option when you start a new game.

Can you get the other starters in Pokémon Quest? ›

You can obtain any Starter Pokemon by preparing appropriate foods in the Cooking Pot. However Starters fall under the "Rare" Pokemon category, so that means you should be using the absolute best ingredients. To obtain Pikachu for example you could mix 3 Honey, 1 Balm Mushroom, and 1 Big Root.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.